What is Data Structure?
Data Structure
The logical or mathematical model of a particular
organization is called data structure.
Some Types of Data Structure
i) Array : It is the simplest types of structure which is linear or one-dimensional. By a linear array, we mean a list of a finite number of similar data elements.
ii) Linked List : The structure where lists are linked to together. The term pointer and link are usually used where pointer means an element in one list point to the element in a different list.
iii) Tree : The structure which reflects a hierarchical relationship between various elements is called tree or rooted tree graph.
iv) Stack : It is a LIFO ( Last-in-first-out ) system which is a linear list in which insertion and deletion can take place only at one end, called to top.
v) Queue : It is a FIFO ( First-in-first-out ) system is a linear list in which deletion can take place only at one end called 'front' and insertion from other end called 'rear' of the list.
vi) Graph : It reflects a relationship between pair of elements which is not hierarchical in native. Suppose an airline flies only between the cities connected by lines.
Data Structure Operation
i) Traversing : Accessing each record exactly once so that certain items may be processed.
ii) Searching : Finding the location of the record with a given key value.
iii) Inserting : Adding a new record to the structure.
iv) Deleting : Removing a record from the structure.
v) Sorting : Arranging the records in some logical order.
vi) Merging : Combining the records of two different sorted files into a single sorted file.
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