What is Semiconductor Diode?


Semiconductor is a substance which resistivity in between conductor and inductor.
In other words, the material whose conductivity in between conductor and insulator is called semiconductor.

For example: si, Ge, Ga, etc

Classification of Semiconductor:

Intrinsic: A semiconductor is an extremly pure form is known as Intrinsic Semiconductor.
Example: si

Extrinsic: When suitable amount of inpurity is added to a semiconductor then the types of semiconductor is formed is known as Extrinsic Semiconductor.
Example:  P-type or n-type

Charectistics of Semiconductor:

1) At critical temperature it behaves just like insulator.
2) At room temperature it acts just like conductor.
3) Its conductivity in between conductor & Insulator.

Doping: The process of adding suitable imperity to a pure semiconductor is known as doping.

P-type Semiconductor: When trivalent atom is added to a pure semiconductor is called p-type semiconductor.
Example: Al, B, As etc

N-type Semiconductor: When Pentavalent atom is added to a pure semiconductor is called n-type.
Example: P

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